They deleted most of posts there so I'll just repeat myself here. This isn't the first time they stole the deposit from a member there. One guy asked to book for HH, they took his deposit, then said all the girls have a 1h minimum. Another guy booked using a fake name (like many clients), sent the deposit which had his real name, they took the deposit, then blocked him because of the mismatch, which they would have known about before accepting the transfer. They're scumbags.
I approached you with the utmost respect on the thread in the red board because I am aware of your massive contributions within this community, I have personally benefitted from some of your advice navigating the massage parlor scene, Thank you for that. You accused me of downplaying the agencies role to make
@BIGCORN seem like the culprit not the victim, but if I was downplaying the agency's part, don't you think what you are doing is the opposite by twisting the facts of these two scenarios you have listed?

@soulsweeper_7 never said he was ripped off of his deposit. If I am reading his post correctly, he completed the screening process and saw someone successfully (for an unknown duration of time on a different day than the day he posted this) and on the next time he tried to book he was informed that most/all the girls are one hour minimum. He did not say this happened on the same day, you are fabricating that story. You can also ask him directly to clarify.

The second anecdote you share,
@First man started off by claiming he had used his middle name to book, but later revealed it was a fake name or an alias. In other words he lied on his post here, because he admitted it was an alias and not his real legal name. The agency caught that, and they decided they did not want to take a chance. Whatever criteria they use, is unknown to me but I am piecing things together based on the evidence I see. I am a stickler for rules, and I have my own self imposed code of ethics, the way I see it, he tried to circumvent the screening process by using a fake name possibly on the phone and his EMT, we have no way of knowing that; so his deposit was forfeited.
We can agree or not, but I wouldn't call this a clear case of the agency ripping anybody off on purpose. This is not me downplaying anything but simply stating that things are not as black and white as you are putting it and without all the facts it's probably best not to cast judgement without having all the facts. In my own personal experiences I have never had any issues with the EMT system in place at TGF.