Well, just like u xxpect others not 2b thin skinned, the same applies 2u, eh?
I got no idea what Lena review attracted u …. Rereading them, they all seem pretty tepid, nuthin hinted she did bs or went nude…

… don’t take “spa chat” in the rm 2 seriously, girls make up all kinds of stories… I doubt she’s gotta sales job anywhere…

… similarly, they say they enjoy the job 2 some, they don’t enjoy it 2 others… whatever they think u wanna hear…

It’s been said many times, “
nobody bcomes a mailman if they hate walking” … similarly, if girls really hate doing hjs or other stuff, they can do something else… most girls do this job because they like men & enjoy sex… Lena seemed 2 really enjoying giving me

a hj, I really remember that allot…
Hopefully she misses it enuf 2 return!