I think yer reply deserves a thotful answer
1st... U said "Thinking that every girl that is friendly with you likes you is naive."
Re-read my post. I nvr said that,

I didn't imply it. Here's what I said:
...its their free time, but theyre hanging out w me… Why? They dig men. They luv hanging around w men. Im not paying ‘m
I am not saying '
they like me' ... I said '
they dig men'.
Yer saying:
Ok. I have.
- I no an mpa,
wealthy family & not really in need of cash... but she does this job... some clients she doesn't really like, even refuses 2 serve... others she's ok ... some she really likes, does xxtra service... some regs she meets out of the spa, goes on vacay w them... some she invites back 2 the spa & gives free sex...
- U think that girl likes men?
- How about the girl with her own small business,
3 staff doing all the work, she gets the revenue... she could actually expand that business, hire more people, its just a cash cow... but she is a very hi mileage mpa.
You think she doesn't like this work? She could, & prolly should, just walk away, if its just $$$. Lemme tell u, this girl = a delight in the rm!
Very very GFE... 2bad I can't share her name.
- U think that girl doesn't enjoy her spa job?
- But going back 2 the basic simple case... if an mpa is finished w u & chooses 2 hang out, yer chatting but also kissing, groping... another client comes in the door, SHE HIDES, doesn't answer, then goes back2 messing around w u... no compensation, actually refuses when I offer xxtra $$$...
- u think that gal doesn't dig men?
I've met some who really do not luv the job that's 4 shur... once, done, they are off 2 the

shower & don't even say gbye when u leave... I had one gal post-sesh, sat down right next 2 me on the msg table, & jumped out of her skin angrily & recoiled when I touched her leg... that lil b!tch quit very fast... these gals exist!
I think I did address that.. girls have given me lots of free time & action, they enjoy sexual encounters... its not '
because Im so handsome' its bcuz Im an available man, within her taste range... but consider, if u do something u enjoy, its yer job, don't u xxpect 2b paid?
I'm shur most of us have a profession we like a bit... if u don't, holy fuck dude, get out...

... we xxpect 2b paid, no? Even if we do some unpaid xxtra work sometimes, bcuz its a job we luv... school teachers

create courses on their summer vacay, many workers do unpaid OT due to pride in their job...
I met one guy, turned his fantasy sports enthusiasm into a small biz... we could chat sports 4hrs, ofc no charge... but
u think he'd b happy if I didn't pay him 2 do the stats service? Yeah, that's be the end of our biz association... but he luved sports, and he turned it into a biz... some of his assistants just ran the computer,

did code... those people could care less about sports. And they left, did other work... his luv 4 sports made him better & better, his biz grew.
But he'd neglect his job & miss deadlines if u got him started talking sports...
Girls who like sex, they make gr8 mpas... gr8

escorts 2... smart spa owners look 4 this quality when hiring. It's not work 4 everyone, & I'm shur giving a hj 2 some guys is kinda yucky.... however, I no one mpa who has xxtreme compassion 4 these really large fat men, handicapped people, etc. who come 2her 4 service, still feels gd about doing it... there are many really gd ppl working @ spas.