Known Reviewer wrongly read my quote as bickering. I have zero hard feelings against Old Fart, or anyone. It was actually the opposite.For phuck sakes, take this bickering shit off line.
You all know how certain people react, don't feed the animal and it will eventually die.
Seems like people have a need for attention
It was to get Old Fart to stop trying to set people straight on his "truth". That is exactly what leads to bickering and name calling. And its exactly why I don't come on here much. Because, some "animal's" need to constantly correct people, never does die. And most people talk about not bickering, but constantly open up the door, to the very things that leads to bickering in the first place. misreading quotes. Another great reason to keep your disagreements or annoyances inside a back and forth d.m. conversation....
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