How do they determine who is $180 or $200 hh?
I have no knowledge of their business whatsoever. IF I had a Business (that you knew of), I would never reveal to you
what my thoughts are about something I've priced 180 in lieu 200. No offence.
If it was me / my business, what I would do is,,,,,,, for
ALL "New, Physically and Emotionally, Unique, Highly Skilled," Ladies OFFER a XXXX amount for 7 days minimum bonus insurance
tip financed by the 200 vs 180, with bonus tips proceeds paid weekly. So, if she only shows 2 times in a week, she will have far less in bonus
however each of the 5 days she is advertised as not working, there will always be some dude(s) as walk-in hoping to get lucky
finding 200/30 girl free (available). Though let's point out that some girls work that are not on the schedule,
not necessarily 200/30 girls but some, so walk-in guys should still be as was.