Well-Known Member
There I block the crazy woman. To bring things up in the past again and acting like the high horse. I used to deal with sex workers (strippers) that are far more respectful. I used to be a cashier at my family's business so I ended up dealing with these women. Some of these strippers try to date me but I ignored them. Not because they are in the sex trade by the fact is a lot of women are monkey branch one man to the next for whatever reason. Unlike some people including people on here I don't knowing have sex with married people or people in relationships. About 17 years ago I had a FWB that forgot to tell me she was married although separated legally over 10 years. I had over 30 women in my life time who wanted sex or date when they had a husband or boyfriend.
About respect, the whole man hating feminists I had to endure for 31 year years. It's not even bashing it's talking about men's experiences. Many men have dated single mothers and we all came to the conslusion single mothers aren't worth dating. That is not to say all single mothers are not worth dating but it's a problem.
Because my father is constantly trying convince me to get married. I'm not afraid to tell the truth. Of course he told me to date a white woman that practices Buddhism. I didn't say whore or slut but I will next time. He has offered me $100 000 if I got married and I refused so fast. LOL
I don't live with my parents.
Unlike you I don't have low moral character and have to sleep around.
I hope you are enjoying your trip to Boston Ursus. Have a great day