@JimiNY & his many fake handles have made it their mission 2 attack this thread & me...
U can scroll up or look anywhere on this site... I nvr started any squabble w them ... but they keep coming back... even signing off with "Peace Out" & saying theyre gone... they keep coming back... making up bs

& tryna discredit this thread & me...
Then ... somehow... u xxxpect me 2 share their xxxistential enemies? Why?
Bellagio = a friendly & welcoming place... does not pick fights

w anyone... I checked directly w Lucy, & she wants 2b friends w all our neighbours, incl EBW & specifically kj ...
IMHO most guys read these posts w guys

yelling @ each other, roll their eyes

& move onto another thread... guys wanna read about spas & girls

Cecelia definitely had 2 hr TS

session w kj... & make no mistake, she nose who kj is... I got no idea what happened in the rm, & kj's being cagey <g> ... these gals have many many elderly

clients.... I saw one guy

in the spa w an IV drip... so if kj convinced her 2 give him some special mileage... it wouldn't shock me but I'd bet against it since she's normally restrictive even w younger guys...
Do Cecelia fans wanna stop seeing her bcuz kj = her client?

I kinda doubt that... these girls service all kindsa guys

If these

trolls attacking me for months & months now suffer bcuz kj posts here... let's just say, its an entirely satisfactory outcome.