U no... if I owned a spa... I'd hire somebody 2 do msgplanet 4 me!

@OG_funguy noted, its like $2 an hr... knock yerselves dead!
I'm only here supporting my friend Lucy

... gals do not know who I am when I visit the spa, & I shur don't force anybody 2 kiss! Where's the fun in that?
The joy of semilegits = the gals can do what they want... @ some other spas, the mgrs STRONGLY encourage them 2do xxxtras... but Bellagio nvr does that, even gals renowned 4 xxxtras can say no 2 anyone 4 any reason... up 2 them...
So, if u get DFK

f/ any Bellagio girl... she chose 2 do it... kissing = very YMMV... she may let u suck her tits & give u a handy

... but no kissing... she just doesn't get that vibe w u...
TBH, I've been w gals that have kissing on their resume... & I have no interest... its a funny feeling, I no how 2 get it started, & ... I don't... some gals I just don't wanna kiss...
TODAY THO! OMG! Kissers delight!

I'm not declining any of these gals...
In no particular order:
- Lavida! Young pretty Asian girl, perfect English & Mando... luvs 2
kiss! Just be polite hygienic clean & nice, fun time! 
- Rica! Another young pretty Asian, hire mileage than Lavida, nice big curves... she tends 2 initiate
on her own... 
- Sami! Sexy soccer mom type, tall & very much into
LFK / DFK, also very hi mileage gal 
Leaving Lucy off the list... has she been known 2 kiss?

...But its LTD 2 long time regulars these days... unless the stars align 4u...
Faye ofc is a very newbie girl, doesn't do any xxxtras sometimes, other times... mebbe an HE might happen... totally up 2 her... but no mouth2mouth rpts that I heard... DM

me immediately if u find out otherwise, very very pretty young Asian gal...