Officially, Lavida’s rated TS+ = Happy Ending & OTC touching only… that’s b $40 tip?
… I think if the gal kissed my face off … she’s getting more than $40… & most gals that kiss allot tend 2 remove clothes easily…
So while I like yer chances w her… officially they stay under cover…
… if it’s me, I’d take the chance.. the TS ratings just show MINIMUM mileage, eh? I can do better…
Ofc Rica kisses & rated TS+++ … pretty young gal, well endowed

& no YMMV factor w nudity…
Sami’s also gd 4 LFK… & quite a bit more… tall sexy Chinese girl…
Amy’s still Service Queen… although damn, Rica’s almost tied w her…
Faye = newbie girl, not much mileage, but sweet innocent

& very pretty girl… prolly less mileage than u like but very popular… damn pretty girl!
And rock solid guaranty of fun, Lucy… by apptmnt only, but u can call same day, she’ll squeeze u in if she’s free…