Lucy ofc … hands down

… but u cant get her as a walkin, u gotta make apptmnt

Bremmer mentioned

Cherry… gd choice…. U can read my review, I had fantastic time w her

… she has big YMMV factor tho… if she likes u , bonus… if she doesn’t …
Erica’s in the mix but hard 2 book, very few shifts …
… Rica also delivers on GFE…

Among girls working today,

Daisy’s the best GFE wise…
guys who saw her only a few wks ago gonna b surprised by this, but she really upped her game… it’s mostly girlfriend vibe, not LFK… she’s really a flirtatious delight if she likes u , spontaneous cuddles & kisses… she liked me

, so I can say it does happen … @ least she delivers HE & topless now… & something more girlfriend-y definitely possible now
Yaniq ? Total newbie, just learning the arts… it’s really more like a date than a sesh, she still has innocent

civvie vibe… if u like a gal still learning the ropes & takes instruction VERY well, she’s worth a try. She’s GFE in the other sense, like a brand new one u just started dating…
Nat, ofc, totally legit … pretty, sexy, friendly, but no xxxtras w her… gr8 msg skills