What’s the big deal about new girls? I like girls who know what they’re doing.
When u get a veteran girl like @ nearby spas… they gotta routine… sometimes they dont even notice who the client is… msg, tease, strip, HE, gbye!

Mebbe 4 new guys, thats damn xxxciting, but after u done it a few times… kinda boring

… its not even fun imagining 2 go 2 the spa 2c some of these gals … its routine… & the greed can really get 2u…
New girls? Theyre so happy w just normal tips… they

don’t have a routine… much more ready 2do whatever u want, whenever u want 2 do it… & they just do stuff that amazes u …
Rica? So cute how she felt embarrassed 2 take her top off… really nice big tits

, no need 4 that! Then… her kissing definitely not happening w everyone… I thot Im not getting any action @ all then suddenly she went 4 it! Upside down! A veteran girl nvr gonna play like that…
Daisy also surprised me… nvr even offered any xxxtras… lemme tell u , a veteran girl NVR gonna b shy

2 offer xxxtras! … but then when I asked, tada! And here’s this fantastic body

like my gf yrs ago @ uni… she had made me think I’m gettin’ NUTHIN… so suddenly getting nudity & HE… totally xxxciting … altho that asian spinner body woulda been fun no matter what. And… Daisy’s not jaded @ all, makes heavy eye contact during HE instead of staring off into space..