Sampson wrote:
Well said, these chicas in bars always talk trash about other races or cultures.There was this idiot in another section of this forum, talking about how he went to this MP in the Inland Empire, and the Mexican therapist/hooker told him how she hates Mexicans because they don't take a bath before visiting her.So the idiot makes a post telling all Mexicans they need to take a bath, and the guy wasn't flaming either, he really believed that she preferred being with gringos, and hated smelly borracho Mexicans.
Well I happened to visit the same MP Mexican provider, and she acts like I'm a long lost family members. During the massage portion of the session the phone rings, and it's some English speaking dude, so she quickly hands me the phone because she speaks very little English, and the idiot starts asking me if the place is open, how much she charges, and if she does anything special? I tell the dude, hel'll have to find out for himself, as the MP doesn't discuss those things over the phone, but that I think if he comes he won't be disappointed.
As soon as I got off the phone, the chica tells me how she hates gringos. That she can't speak to them, and doesn't know if they are cops or not, so is afraid of them, and wish they wouldn't come and visit her because they put her in danger with the cops and immigration since she isn't a citizen of the US.OH yeah, she didn't like some of the things gringos wanted her to do, like anal sex, and sin-condom sex.( she said she didn't do those things?)
So wish is it, does she hate Mexicans or Gringos? I get a feeling that she just trash talks both, depending who is visiting her.
The same thing goes on in the zona too. These girls one minute will be trash talking about a certain group of guys like Asians, saying chino this and chino that, but 10 minutes later you'll see her sitting there all friendly to that Asian dude,, and I'm sure telling the Asian, how she likes Asians guys, but hates gringos, and Mexicans?
Here I even still have a picture of Yesenia she was a older Mexican chica with huge tits, and was quite the rage on this site for awhile. This place was a little dump that you usually find in Spanish newspapers, but guys from this site found her, and over exposed her, and I think is no longer in business?