Did you know the word faggot was first used in 1914 to describe boys or men who offer other men sexual services or HJs for profit, like this Ford fag at Jasmine Spa and his other three schizophrenic selves. It actually doesn't have anything to do with gay men just the ones who whore themselves out because no one wants them or they were abused children
lol this ruru dude hid his profile and deleted all his posts. Ahahahaha bruh, I sent you a DM to show up at kingsland because you said you were sad and angry because nobody wants to give you a hj. You chickened out. My invitation still stands. I told you in my DM if you are scared to see me, I will see you with the kingsland owner who thinks you are a crazy hillbilly obsessed with Asians. But you are hiding behind your keyword. Bruh, I know you are so mad because I got a hj from her but you need to understand it is her body, not yours and you are nobody to her. (Well, you have spent over $1000 to get a hj so I think you are somebody.

) I will tell you once in plain elementary school English for your understanding as you have no education. GAYS DONT GET A HJ FROM A WOMAN and I got a hj from your Asian fetish because she was fucking horny and women get horny too. I said it in sarcasm because everybody says you are so obsessed with a hj. Does your hillbilly brain understand it?
Btw here is etymology of your favorite word faggot. If you want to make things up, be more creative.

The term faggot or fagot, meaning bundle of sticks, shows up around 1300 in English. It almost certainly came from Old French, possibly going back to Greek phakelos. Since those bundles of sticks were mainly used for fires, it’s not surprising that the term came to mean burning sticks. Then there was that nasty business in medieval times where heretics were burned at the stake. Some later cites indicate heretics who repented and were spared a fiery death had to wear a picture of a faggot on their sleeve to show what might have been their fate. But no print evidence exists that homosexuals were referred to as faggots before the twentieth century, with the origin definitely in the U.S., not Britain.
The British continued to use the words fag and faggot as nouns, verbs and adjectives right through the early 20th century, never applying it to homosexuals at any time. To fag or to be a fag was a common term in British schools from the late 1700s and referred to a lower classman who performed chores for upperclassmen. While this term was also in vogue at Harvard in the first half of the 19th century, it died out by the mid-1800s in the U.S., leaving it in use only in England. Nineteenth century Britons also heard “faggot” used in reference to an ill-tempered woman, i.e., a ball-buster, a battleaxe, a shrew. That meaning of the term continued into the early 20th century, and the usage was gradually applied to children as well as women. The relationship, if any, between faggot-as-bundle-of-sticks and faggot-as-shrewish-woman is unknown.
The first known published use of the word faggot or fag to refer to a male homosexual appeared in 1914 in the U.S. It referred to a homosexual ball where the men were dressed in drag and called them “fagots (sissies).” Ernest Hemingway, in The Sun Also Rises (1926), included the line, “You’re a hell of a good guy, and I’m fonder of you than anybody on earth. I couldn’t tell you that in New York. It’d mean I was a faggot.” A 1921 cite says, “Androgynes [are] known as ‘fairies,’ ‘fags,’ or ‘brownies.’”
I have told you a 1000th times. It is your fault no women want to give you a hj beach you are ugly and smelly and old. Women have feelings. You can’t force them. Think about what you look like. Would you give someone like you a hj? Well actually you are everyday in front of your computer. Hahahahahahahahahaha
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