Funny how these old dudes (aged 50 and over) wanna imitate the younger generation by using terms like "incel"... Somebody is actually proud of being from Hamilton? It stinks like shit up there (especially nearby Fortinos and places like Stoney Creek).

I imagine how difficult it would be for someone there to take a decent chick home to lay with. How many pills of Viagra and Cialis have you invested in? Desperate times indeed...
Hamiltondude1234 = Horny-all-the-time; they both have 43 points (no lie)
In the meantime, most other users here (including myself) have already found some real "unique Iranian masseuses" to spend time with & are not sharing the intel (which is the smart thing to do). You guys can stick with "Nazi" or "Zizi" or whoever wants to break your back.