The more I read various sex workers' twitter postings, the more I admire how great Daniella is.
This morning, I was perusing Akira Yofu's twitter and she seems less appealing the more I read. Months of postings and the only thing I see are food, vacation and video game postings. Would have been interesting back in the day, when I was 12 years old. But, in my 40s, Daniella is a much more interesting person to me.
Never understand why hookers post things online that make them less appealing to clients, not counting fanboys and Manginas, of course.
I have seen Akira many times and she is a good escort, but holy shit she lessens herself by keeping a twitter account and posting garbage. With all the fanboys, they tell her that everything she does - even brushing her teeth - is composite of a great series of accomplishments. Oh well, at least I pulled this nice photo from her account. Thanks Akira for the photo, but please stop posting dumb shit.
P.S. Akria is the attractive one of the left. Sinthia, is the unattractive one on the right. Makes me shake my head that guys pay $350 to book Sinthia. There are alot of guys in Toronto who really hate themselves and therefore think they are being gifted by Sinthia's $350 appt fees. Body of a 10 year old boy and the only curves she has were put on by a surgeon. $350 for the girl on the right? Ridiculous.