I would prefer Just Relax and Shangri la for semi legit; a lot of reviews/advertising are available on these two spas and there is no need for me to repeat here for the girls. Both have better facilities and I like the new renovated rooms in JR. Also, I have a better feel and communication with both of the owners there. I really enjoy the massage by Angela too and I would rate her as one of the top gun in the industry but she is not taking booking regularly. I am not saying E & M is bad, but I don't find Michelle to be as good as advertised both for massage and the ending (she is fine but not outstandingly good).
For good RMT type of massage, I go to Healing Hands, Kelly spa and Relaxation Spa. You MAY get some teasing and luck there too. Because there are legit spas, I don't want to give out names.
For good fun, I go to Flirt. You pay more for Flirt, but the facilities and girls, the way they operate suits me well.
Massage and HE is very personal, it could be me that don't have a good chemistry with Michelle in E & M. She has a few good girls from look to massage, so I am not discouraging people to go to E & M at all. I some times go there too, just not too often and would not have Michelle if I go.
There are so many choices around, we can go to whatever that suit us. QQ spa is on my TDL after seeing some advertisements today.