In the world inhabited by people like Jimmy who suffer from severe Asperger's the nuances between the literal and nonliteral are lost, oftentimes blurring the lines between the logical and illogical, and the real and fiction. Sad but true, Autism provides literally a new lens through which to see the world.
Your observations about mental health are as useful as your observations about COVID because they are not backed up by any medical research or knowledge. When I provided the explanation about Asperger's, I made it easy for everyone to see that your behaviors fit in with the behaviors of someone that has severe Asperger's autism. You are welcome to try and link the usage of bold fonts to some mental disorder, and prove it. Good luck trying to do any academic work! LOL
Regarding your mother, I already told you, it is not fair that you keep on insulting her just because you would rather see her dead. You are one petty ingrate of a son, your mom brought you up despite your severe disabilities and you repay her by forcing her to take a vaccine that YOU KNOW kills millions of people. Shame on you!