S4L, it sounds like you fast-forwarded to the cons unfortunately. I've read a number of stories here of guys going down this path and without fail that is how it ends. I think the only way to make it work is if you take it to the next level - i.e. marrying her and providing for her completely so she can leave the industry and never look back
That's really hard to do though because imo the average successful spa girl makes more than the average hobbier. She's going to miss the freedom that her finances used to provide her. And of course there's always the husband/boyfriend
Plus is that what you're really looking for??
If your 'spa girl' owns a spa (sorry Ambler) then it's even worse. The spa will always come first and you've got to be okay with what that means. Knowing that she will probably still work in the room occasionally even though she's 'retired' (hmm, Renee?), and there's always the suspicion that she probably has other boyfriends. This suspicion is almost a given (whether she owns a spa or not!)
I'm guessing that OG is getting really good at compartmentalizing, but even he admits there are things he'd rather not know. Click on the wrong review in MP and you'll be left with an image that's hard to erase (just search for OGs 4-hands experience and imagine that he's talking about 'your girl' - pretty sure that'll cause you some sleepness nights
That may be however I've discovered something slightly different but along the same lines. The person with the least invested in the relationship has the most power. In spite of everything said in this thread (sorry, OG) I believe
that spa girls know that any relationship that develops will be relatively short-lived. They see so many clients a day that they
have to be able to disassociate themselves emotionally usually at the drop of a dime. I've even witnessed that almost instant disassociation and it was an eye-opener. This 'lack of investment' almost guarantees that your spa girl has most of the power in the relationship and thus she can end it whenever she wants without too much emotional damage on her part
Sorry that it happened so fast for you S4L