1. By saying you don’t want to give these people loans bast of there personal credit history. You’re saying I’m against there financial mobility. That literally in it’s self is systematic racism.
So it's your contention that banks are more racist than greedy? I'm curious, if you were in a position to loan money, what information would you want about the applicant?
2. Since these people are low income. Rhett live in heavily congested areas. Which leads to more conflicts. That adds to crime.
Ok, nothing wrong with this statement. What's it got to do with racism?
3.Targeting a group of people for low drug affiances. Leads to less job opportunities. Which adds to the crime. The families are broken and for some unknown reason. These men do more jail time.
Fair enough. Drug laws are fucked up and if you go back to the 90s a solid case can be made for unfair differences in the way drug offences were punished depending on whether you were caught with crack (predominantly used by blacks) vs cocaine (predominantly used by whites). If there are still bad laws, let's identify them and change them, but again this is not proving any kind of racism--maybe classism.
4. Also in the United States they make it harder to get a driver’s license in black areas. So people have no ID to vote, AND they close polling stations, AND they don’t want you to mail your vote. They don’t even want you to give someone food or water waiting in line to vote.
I'm going to plead ignorant on this and ask you to support your statement. How is it more difficult for a black person to get a driver's license? For at least the last three federal elections in America, blacks voted at a disproportionately HIGHER rate than whites, so your claim is not supported by the numbers. As to requiring I.D. to vote....um...we do the same thing here--what is racist about that? Not giving food or water to those standing in line is also a good rule. We require campaigning to stop on voting day. Unless you've got some kind of evidence that non-white people are being deprived of sustenance in order to stop them voting, this is a ridiculous point.
5.If you have a black sounding name. You’re less likely to get a call back.
I've also heard that this happens, though most of the evidence appears to be anecdotal. Still, if a company gets the same resume with the only difference being one comes from Bill Witherspoon while the other is from Keisha Akeela, then yes, I'd be in favour of an investigation and heavy punishment if the motive for discrimination is found to be race. There's a simple solution to this. Pass a law that bans personal details from resumes. It has actually been suggested, but guess who was against it? That's right, proponents of affirmative action.
I could go on and on. Then you’ll right the same shit in another thread, and I’ll be to lazy to say the same thing again. The system fuck everyone, but minorities more. Productivity went up. People are payed less. It’s there own fault right?
People do indeed get fucked--and as minorities tend to hold the lower jobs--they get a disproportionate amount of the fucking. One of the main ways that happens, especially in the U.S., is the failure of labour to organize in a competent manner. Unions have no one to blame but themselves. Any honest person who has ever been part of a Union knows they're a racket. Look at the abuse of power by the teachers' unions in the States.