Temporary retirement Reviewom chionging for next couple months
Yo brudders
Sorry to say, March and April does not look promising for the chionging scene. After not going to BS for a week here and there, I find that it has sort of lost its appeal and novelty.
Also my Vitamin M running low. Maybe it was already low but I never noticed because of excess Reviewom 13 month bonus, etc. Well now reality is kicking in and I guess my career (and bank account) comes first.
I also need to cut down on drinking and smoking. Badly. At least until I pass my 2.4....
KNN, lidat go on my beer belly can compare with Lament's...
Occasionally I will still be in JC area having kopi, checking out the livestock and maybe even visiting my favourite Lao Chio (Bros GS, SJG and D'art have met her).
Meanwhile, please continue to have fun. I'm not ditching you, just stepping aside until I get my chionging qualifications ($$ and time and energy) back in order. Hope the newbies can teach me how to chiong again when I get back...