Hawaii health spa
#7, 3110 kingston rd.Scarborough m1m 1p2

Host: coco & linda
It was midnight, I was sleeping, one customer call want a massage, I woke up, so sleepy and wellcomed him in, I expected just a quick happy ending, but he was very exciting want me a hard massage, he said:" do you remember that I am the coconut guy, i deliver coconut, I need your hard massage " He shew me that how I massage with his elbow, I was woke up by his call and I was so sleepy, I said:" oh yes, I remember a coconut guy, long time no see, but I don't remember your face"
I started massaging him with my elbow, his body was so much stiff, he really need a deep tissue hard massage, but I did my best , because I woke up from my sleeping in the midnight, i did not have enough energy , not as hard as his expected, while I was massaging him, he told me:"linda , I will give you a coconut after massage "
I said:" but I don't know how to open it"
He said :" I will open it for you
While I was massaging I was imagining that after massage then i drink coconut water fall asleep will be so romantic.
After massage, he dressed up and was ready leaving, I said:" you said give me a coconut, will you give me a cocunut?"
He said:" you don't do hard massage today, usually your massage make me pain, today no pain, no coconut "
i laughing and said:" What ??!! No pain no coconut


I told him: " come early next time, I will have more energy for a hard massage, i go back to sleep now" he agreed

Coco will be here today, her stable schedule is every Sunday and Monday .
Welcome to our spa get a hard massage from linda and love

massage from coco, your happyness and healthiness are our prioritied goal!
Thank you very much !
