I tried the new Dragon Tendon specialist Anna today at Golden 101. All the authentic Dragon Tendon ladies at G101 are very good. So good, in fact, that they have inspired many wannabes lol. The ones at G101 have invested time and money to learn the true ancient methods in Asia. Anna's technique is a bit different than the others ( yes,I have experienced all the others). She spent more time on the inner thighs, which can also improve blood flow. The nitty gritty technique is similar to the others, squeezing and manipulating the "tendons", with the addition of hot towels and even some hot stones after the finish. All very professional.
I recommend trying all of them. In fact, Michelle has returned to G101, so there are 3 specialists on duty today (Angela , Anna and Michelle).
Results? I can honestly say it works to keep you harder and stronger. Cheers to ancient wisdom!