◊ Mixed-Blood Pretty Beautician Providing TCM Massage & Facial Svc ◊
Manage to book a massage session with Ah Mei. Met her at the designated hotel as agreed over the phone.First impression when she entered the room, she looks more like a Viet than PRC. Quite a classy look. Her skills are well above standard and i like the butt and head massage most. Yes, she is pretty shy when it comes the HJ portion. Please respect her and do not force her if she is unwilling to accede your other requests. Here are her ratings:
Look - 7.5/10, (I found her quite attractive )
Body/Figure - 7/10 (Can only able to judge on the outside but well proportional)
Massage skill - 7/10 (Good strength but some parts are not that detailed)
Reviewiendliness/Attitude - 8.0/10 ( Not a time watcher, nice to chat with)
HJ - 6/10 (Very mechanical so just treat it as a complementary service)
Damage - $80 for 2 Hours + Hotel Charges($30)
RTM - Yes ( Will to try her facial service as well next time)