essential oils

  1. A

    How do I make homemade massage oil by using essential oils?

    The only essential oil I have right now is sweet orange. What would go well with that and what do I need to do?
  2. E

    essential oils covered in advanced aromatherapy?

    what essential oils are covered on the advanced aromatherapy course from the school of natural science,
  3. G

    What ratio of vanilla and cinnamon essential oils should be used to make

    4 oz of massage oil? I am making massage oil for a craft fair I'll be working at next weekend. I'm using grapeseed oil as my base and would like to make the following scented oils: Vanilla Cinnamon Lavender (or Lavender Lime, whichever ends up smelling best) Rosemary Mint I have been...
  4. P

    Where can I get essential oils (aromatherapy) for my rabbit?

    I heard it helps with colds, stress etc. What's you're opinion on using it and is it safe? How often should I use it and could you label all the oils and what they do? Also can you label prices and where to get it? Also any background info and experiences!! Thanks soooo much (:
  5. S

    Can I use aromatherapy oils as hair care oils? Are they essential oils or different?

    Hi, I want to use some oils for my hair because I've read it is really good for your hair, but I can't find most of the oils where I live, but I have found aromatherapy oils, are they de same?? can I use them for my face too? Because I feel like they are different in some way, I'm pretty new to...
  6. T

    How often can essential oils be used in scalp massage?

    Hello. I know, ANOTHER essential oils question lol :) Can they be used daily? Every 2 days? 1x a week? or does it differ from oil to oil? I'm currently using Jojoba, Cedarwood and Rosemary. Iv ebeen told i can use that as a daily moisturizer.
  7. A

    Where can I get essential oils (aromatherapy) for my rabbit?

    I was just wondering because it said it can help your rabbit with a cold, and when they're under stress, if so where can I get some and how much would it be? Is it safe and how often should you use it, also can you list ALL (or most) of the vital essential oils and what they do to help treat...
  8. T

    How often can essential oils be used for scalp massage?

    Hello. I know, ANOTHER essential oils question lol :) Can they be used daily? Every 2 days? 1x a week? or does it differ from oil to oil? I'm currently using Jojoba, Cedarwood and Rosemary. Iv ebeen told i can use that as a daily moisturizer. I think all the people who have stated...