east beaver

  1. Pompal 09.

    East Beaver Creek

    Why are there so many mps in one little plaza?
  2. Y

    East Beaver C Location

    Can anyone guide me the location how to reach EBC at Richmond Hill from Mississauga Highway 10 & oblige! Tks guys
  3. @

    East Beaver Creek

    Would you say it's safe to go there now, considering all the previous LE troubles? I had some good times there, and wouldn't mind checking it out again
  4. B

    East Beaver Creek and Creditstone review

    I've always been a beaver fan and east(ern) beaver is close to the top of my list... Visited TO on the thanksgiving (US) weekend, arrived quite late Thursday and after warm-up at Club Pro decided to check it (I mean East Beaver Creek) out. The only place that had the 'Open' sign lit (after...
  5. C

    my first visit to east beaver creek

    holy crap ! there has to 10 mp in that mall ...it's about what 185 ebc. should have done more window shopping but I fell for their pleading voices once again. I chose oriental dream, walked in , ok looking woman asked me first and I asked for any other girls, out came lis, not bad so I said ok...
  6. T

    East Beaver Creek Recommendations

    Hi All... Any recommendation of an Oriental East Beaver Creek massage? I've been to Nagato... but I've also her some places may suck. Any decent ones with milage? I prefer younger cute looking girls. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  7. J

    Suggestions for East Beaver Creek Area

    I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for the EBC area. I've never been, but I'd like to try the Asian delights out that way. It seems from most reviews that a lot of places are hit and miss. Do they book appoitments? Who and at what place would you recommend? My tastes as far...
  8. J

    East Beaver Creek, 4am

    Hey guys, was coming home from the bar and drove by a bunch of MPs open at like 4am all next to each other on East Beaver Creek in Richmond Hill area. What is the service like in this area? Any recommendations? Any to avoid? I felt a little intimidated walking in at 4am with no...
  9. gunslinger

    East Beaver Creek area MP with non...

    I don't know how to phrase this in a politically correct manner, but "non-immigrant" asians? I was in the area, and was going door to door to see who had the prettiest lady there was one, in the plaza across from the World Bowl, on the side with the dance studio, at the very end (opposite to...
  10. J

    East Beaver Creek

    not a safe place to visit....lots of LE activity...plus if your not asian good luck.....very weird situation going on in that whole area...good luck people