Ok then!
Back in January, when we were in our Business & Ethics class, someone arranged for us to visit the Gaylord Texan and the Great Wolf spas in Grapevine (we're in north Texas).
My son was greatly impressed with The Great Wolf (could have a little bit to do with the "wolf" theme, LOL! That's his favorite animal.). He maintains that, rather than working "with Mom and Dad", he wants to work at The Great Wolf. I have told him that they might not even have any openings by the time he gets his license, and even if they do, they might not hire *him*. And if he *does* get hired, it may end up not being the experience he thinks it will. (And yes, I know that he has to live his own life. I was trying to prepare him, not dissuade him.). He has no other "possibles" in his mind at this moment- just The Great Wolf.
Anyway, a fellow student also recently toured The Great Wolf, and she said that they are hiring right now. Ds still needs to go through his internship and take the licensing exam (Mblex or - that other national one, I can't remember the order of the letters), but he *could* conceivably get that accomplished within the next month or so, depending on how quickly he can get through his internship (50 hours).
So my question is, has anyone here had any experience with The Great Wolf, either working there as an MT or in any other capacity? I want to help him get some real ideas of what he's looking at. He has been impressed with the benefits they say they offer on their web site, but he hasn't found anywhere that says whether or not MT's get those benefits. And of course, anyplace will tout themselves as "a great place to work". I am wondering how they are as an employer, overall, as well as specifically for a new MT.