Your course should give you an example consultation sheet. All your work during the course is covered by their insurance while they're supervising, and they should have a consultation form for you to use. It may also be set as an assignment, so base it on theirs add any bits from your massage course.
You need to know all the demographic, contra indication and previous medical stuff like on your normal massage consultation form, which you should know, as it's aprerequisite to Sports. Then ask them about their diet, what exercise they take, how much water they drink a day, their stress levels at home, at work, their occupation, whether they smoke, etc. You need to know what other treatment they're having, then you need to do a full posture assessment, marking up a body diagram. This will be taught on your course.
Then ask them about their presenting complaint, any daily pattern changes, onset, cause, what makes it worse, better, how old it is (treatment is different if it's acute, chronic, etc).
Once you've done the posture assessment, you should be doing all the ROM tests for the injured area joint, active, passive and resisted tests, then this will lead you to any muscle strength tests and any special tests. Use your palpation skills to feel for anything, based finding the muscles from the bony landmarks, which you will know from your knowledge of the skeleton and muscle origins & insertions. Depending on all these results, positive tests and results such as whether it's a springy end feel ona passive ROM, etc, etc, will make you come up with your summary observation and resulting plan of treatment.
Then get them to sign a disclaimer.
Really, though, I don't know what course you're doing but it's a big concern if you're not being taught this! Also, lots of the text books have example forms in them.
Hope this helps... good luck!