I feel the exit is just as important as, and is an extension of, the body of the massage - and for me this is the perfect exit, I have had many compliments on it specifically. Its simple though, which is nice.
This is what I do:
Ending with client prone - All of this is done with full hand contact (palm to fingertips - which sounds odd to explain but the niceness of this detail comes from all the warmth of all of the hand plus the REAL consious contact you are making)
I do 3 light (but not feather light) finishing strokes on the skin - from shoulders to low back and back up to shoulders in a loop, cover with sheet and do 3 more finishing strokes over the sheet, (is sooo warm and comforting with the cloth, helps absorb excess oil and is also reminiscent of being tucked in from childhood), cover with blanket and do finishing pass with short compression at shoulders then low back. THen I say (QUIETLY and slow) "Take a few deep breaths before getting up and take plenty of time getting ready. I'll be out in the lobby when you are all set."
I have had a therapist just stop and walk out - leaving my like 'where did she go? is it over? am I supposed to get up now or will she walk in on me?'
I have had feather strokes at the end - ugh. irritation in its purest form for me. I find it tickleish and asinine (sorry, thats a strong statement, but its how I really feel as a client on the table)
And I have had a few therapists just say - "OK you're done." and it was jarring for me, who was still out in la la land. I'm done? DONE? like you have no more use for me - so get up and get out? umm ok thanks.
If you search this topic I believe there is a really great thread somewhere around here, if I remember correctly I think quite a few therapists chipped in and had some great ideas.