I have started working in a chiropractor's office and absolutely love it!!My routine is medium to deep massage with lots of stretching. I have had a lot of clients that say they haven't had alot of stretching at the end of session before. So I guess that is the one thing that makes me different. ;DThe rooms in the Chiro's office are small. Let's see if I can describe it. I am 6' tall and I can stretch my arms out and nearly touch the two walls. Ok, thats the width. The length the room has room (barely) for an exercise ball by the head. By the feet about 4 to 6 ft I think left. (How's that for scientific!)I like to do stretching where my client lays supine and I hold his/her feet and move them side to side. Here's the problem (didn't think I'd ever get there did ya) I don't have enough room to keep their legs straight and bring to their stretch limit.Any ideas, suggestions, comments. Just help any help would be appreciated. So beside moving the walls. I am open to what you guys have to offer.Trish