New Member
Hi All
Has anyone ever worked on a client, in my case the subject is aged about 60, where there is a small swelling at L5-sacrum level. Its about the size of half a hens egg, not causing any pain or discomfort, soft to touch, normal skin tone and does not react to gentle massage? I have advised her to see a doctor, but is there any harm by massage? This may be an age related thing and not so uncommon but I feel it is best to be on the safe side.
thanks Robert
Has anyone ever worked on a client, in my case the subject is aged about 60, where there is a small swelling at L5-sacrum level. Its about the size of half a hens egg, not causing any pain or discomfort, soft to touch, normal skin tone and does not react to gentle massage? I have advised her to see a doctor, but is there any harm by massage? This may be an age related thing and not so uncommon but I feel it is best to be on the safe side.
thanks Robert