I went through this process when relocating from Texas to Missouri. You need to contact schools in the area and ask if they teach CE for relocating therapists. You should compare the qualifications of each state side by side (google search for massage requirements in each state), to see what you are lacking in. For example
Say State A requires 300 hours Massage theory
200 hours Anatomoy
50 hours Business
50 hours Practicals
Total 600 hours
State B may require 350 hours Massage theory
300 hours Anatomy
50 hours Business
50 hours Hydrotherapy
Total 750 hours
That means to become licensed in State B you would need 200 hours.
Even though you have 600 hours, you are missing 50 massage theory hours, 100 anatomy hours, and 50 Hydrotherapy hours.
Make sense now?
It's kinda a pain, but I hope you can find a school to work with you! Good luck!