Being a full time deep tissue massage practitioner for over 11 years I am convinced that as a bodyworker using only your hands is a serious hazard that very likely will jeopardize a long and healthy career.
Unless someone does very few massage treatments or very superficial ones or work with very little people, and even in these cases I think it is a total danger because it involves too many repetitive movements of very tiny joints (especially thumb, wrists...)
Learning no-hands massage skills and how to use your bodyweight should be a must for any basic training. Unfortunately is not and a very high number of practitioners get injured shortly after building up a massage practice.
Beacause of this, I always encourage newly qualified practitioners to do a deep tissue course or any other course that teaches how to use the body efficiently before anything else. I think this is the best investment in your health and your future career.
Sorry for the long preaching but I I feel very strongly about this subject.
I don't know if the rest of the community of long time practitioners out there agree with me or not. I'll be interested to know.