Yeah the gloves were a huge turn off for me. They were those loose plastic gloves that the subway workers use to make the sandwiches lol. Makes a weird sound as she massages with it. Lol

some people might like it. Wasn't my cup of tea. Seemed like she's just setting up or something since there are no hanger for your clothes. There was a tiny chair to put your clothes on. Not hot towels so most of the oil is still on you after she's done. I'm not sure if she is indeed Kelly or she took the place over from Kelly.
A lady wearing gloves brings back memories from days of yore. Didn't happen at a parlour, no.....happened on a first date. Time of year was the fall and getting cool out.
It was a new teller at my bank when banks actually had 4 or 5 tellers. Over a few months we chatted and flirted everytime I would see her at the bank. She looked naughty and adventurous. Finally I gathered up the courage to discreetly ask her out for dinner and a few drinks. A low key get to know each other date.
She didn't want me to pick her up on the planned date. She said she would meet me there. So we met at a BP lounge. Had dinner and few drinks in the lounge.
It was brisk out, but she still dressed very provocative. Knee high boots, long leather elbow length silk gloves, tight jeans and a fluffy sweater. Classy but slutty? Love it!
Upon leaving the lounge she asked me to sit in her car with her while it warmed up.
Well, one thing led to another and next thing we were in hot n heavy make out session.
DFK, hands going everywhere. She nodded her head up and down in approval while she rubbed my cock thru my jeans.
I pulled bad boy out, tilted seat back thinking I would get a good blowjob, instead she began doing long slow urging strokes on my beyond hard cock with her silk gloves on. I couldn't take the silk on my cock. With her tongue down my throat I wouldn't last a minute.
I said here it cums and she didn't let up and I exploded. We went out a few more times. I never did get a bj, but those silk gloves!