Hi guys! Sorry for coming late to the party but I just stumbled on this thread today. First, I should explain that even though I'm Nina on this site, I have been Mia for a quite a while now...it's just that the other Mia is so well-known here that I thought it would just be respectful to change my name while I was on massageplanet.
I feel I need to say something about xarfu2's comment: first, I'm sorry you didn't have a good time but you did not book for 1 hour, it was for half. That is why I didn't do a longer massage (I could do a longer massage and rush the ending but I prefer to take my time on the important part). I always let the session go as naturally as possible - if we are over time that's fine but there is no way I would ever cut an hour session short!
To 737pilot: Thanks for the nice things you said and, yes, perhaps the day you saw me, I was not wearing fancy lingerie...I usually wear what makes me feel sexy that day...I didn't mean for it to come off as false advertising. I also pride myself on never rushing a session so I'm very sorry you felt that way. Was it something specific?
And to calgaryflames1984: Thanks so much for your review! That kind of response is what I hope for - at least I try my best to make everyone I see that happy!
I would like to point out that my ads (and the phone conversation with you) gives a really good idea of who I am. I never claim to be something or someone I'm not and I would think that my time with you will speak to that. I understand not everyone will be happy with everyone they meet, but that is rare for me. A bad review (or lukewarm one) can have an impact so I felt I should say something. Thanks for listening.