Mature Students??
I had big concerns about getting back into the "school brain" mindset when I began this phase of my life 15 months ago. I really didn't like school when I was younger. It felt like I was doing what someone else wanted me to do just because I "had to". When I went to the orientation though, I got really excited about the idea. Like Facingeast said, having some life experience has helped me to see that this is something I want to do, which helps when I feel overwhelmed. The school I am at is excellent, and the links between what we study and how they apply are very evident. The teachers I have had were all top notch as well, attentive to the audience, aware that for many people sitting and listening to lectures is not the best approach to learning, which makes the process much more pleasant than I remember from when I was younger.The concern about being older was dispelled quickly for me when one of the instructors at the orientation, who is in her late 50's, explained that with proper body mechanics, a person can do massage for years without injury. She made a point of saying that the training we receive helps us be more aware of our bodies and what hurts us, so that we are better prepared to take care of ourselves. I'm actually healthier now, at 45, than I was 10 years ago because of this. I have actually enjoyed being in a class with mixed ages. We have one woman who just turned 21 about a month ago, and a woman who is 50. The majority are in their mid twenties to early thirties. A couple have kids, a few are married, and some are still single. We all tend to mix it up pretty well, so there aren't really any exclusionary cliques. I don't think I would want to change anything about my experience thus far.