It is a excellent idea to inform your clients that you have energetic capabilitys, what ever type that may be. ย I feel energy flowing whenever a client needs the work, regardless of whether or not ย I intend to give Reiki. ย I tell them that they may notice warmth from my hands, but I dont interrupt a massage session unless I intend to focus on a particular area. ย You can always go back after the massage is over. ย Explaining Reiki is difficult and time consuming, so I have a brochure I hand out. ย Questions can always be answered at the next appointment. ย It's only fair to warn a client, and it should be mentioned in the consent form. ย If the energy is needed, it's going to flow, like it or not. ย I'd be interested in knowing how some folks stop it. ย If I didn't start it, I can't not give the energy if it's flowing all by itself. ย Native Americans call it being a "hollow bone". ย I've never had a client object, but I've had quite a few who don't believe in it. They usually come around eventually, even if they only notice a better mood , a headache that is gone, or just a warm feeling all over.Medicineman ย