Massage for survivors of violence/abuse
I think it's awesome you are planning on helping survivors and witnesses of domestic abuse.
It may be an emotionally draining "field" but, I think it could be very interesting and rewarding for you as well.
I have pulled up a few threads you might find useful to read over.
Suspect Wife Abuse -- is it my business?
Trauma Massage:
Emotional Release, Memory Triggers:
(some book recommendations)
Body and Emotions:
(more book recommendations)
And since both book recommendations list "Waking the Tiger" by Peter A. Levine, I would mention that I have purchased an audio book called, "It Won't Hurt Forever" by Peter A. Levine (got it @ it is specifically about how to help children that have been traumatized.
I found it very interesting. (Bought it when one of my young family members was going through some tough times emotionally as her parents were going through a divorce, and she was facing major surgery).
Anyway, hope that helps you!
Please keep us updated on your progress and any interesting or rewarding experiences that you witness as part of your efforts to help this special population!