Making a client relax
I know this is an old post, but I had a suggestion. Lymphatic Drainage massage will relax ANYONE! I have clients who just won't stop talking, wiggling, and squirming, but Lymphatic drainage works every time. It is a CE, but well worth it. I has a ton of other benefits, too. I frequently start by working on someone's face when they are that way - it's almost like they are hyperactive on the table sometimes! ha ha ha
I also have a client who basically feels like she is in "fight or flight" state every minute, and lymphatic drainage helped her relax more than anything else I had ever done for her.
As far as reflexology, there are points on the ears, hands, and feet relax, too. Try working the adrenals, for example (get a reflexology chart if you don't know where the points are, they aren't expensive). The points on the toes where Peuppi mentioned reflects the jaws and face, if I'm understanding where she is working. Which of course makes sense, since someone who is stressed is often a teeth-grinder and talks constantly. Working the jaws themselves (especially the masseters) is very relaxing, too.
I have to say, I'm not opposed to people talking, as long as they DO relax, too.