New posting,Need some ideas please!!![]
Qualified Holistic massage therapist-Little money at present could do with some suggestions as to how can increase client base.
Have started up in my adverts a monthly special offer been careful about wording trying to aim more towards ladies.
I work from home as caring for spouse aswell-already use gum tree/viva street/holistic community/massage therapy ads.
did some mail drops in local area no response as yet from them !!!
Help feel like giving up but want to persevere............
Health and fitness
Qualified Holistic massage therapist-Little money at present could do with some suggestions as to how can increase client base.
Have started up in my adverts a monthly special offer been careful about wording trying to aim more towards ladies.
I work from home as caring for spouse aswell-already use gum tree/viva street/holistic community/massage therapy ads.
did some mail drops in local area no response as yet from them !!!
Help feel like giving up but want to persevere............
Health and fitness