You could utilize the technics of "Reiki Healing" which is one of the Energy Modalities of Massage, where the practitioner doesn't physically tough the client but uses his energy to promote spiritual well-being as well as physical well-being in their treatments.
Reiki is the usage of spiritual energy to heal a person's aura or situation. The word "Reiki" actually translates to "Universal Life Force Energy."
Massage is the process of physically rubbing or kneading different parts of the body for the therapeutic reason of achieving the same healing & balancing effect(as Reiki) to the spiritual energy of a client : which is the universal life force that connect everything & everyone.
Through utilizing the technics of Reiki in combination with the meditative aspects of mental projection or astro projection, would be your the best way for you to send a energy balancing massage to aliens...........and if by chance you made a typo and meant to say 'send a MESSAGE to aliens', you could still utilize the meditative aspects of mental projection or astro projection.
Open your mind to what can be!!!!!