Even if you do out calls for yourself rather than your employer, it would still be you running it as a business. With gas prices fluctuating, you'll have that to take off the top if you do out calls.
I live in a rural area and if I was to work for someone, I may only make 40 - 50%. I know you don't want to open your own business, but its not as hard as you think...scary at first, but if we only do massage and not sell products, there's really not much overhead. You could rent a room in a chiropractic office, salon or gym depending on your target market...really the possibilities are endless.
It might be a good idea for you to pick up another job and do massage on the side... I started out like that and contracted out for Bed and Breakfasts, Chiropractors, and would do chair massages at parties or businesses. Even though I have my own place now, I still do that sometimes because it's extra cash.
This industry is really like any other service industry. Hard work and determination will bring in more money....sometimes we just need to get creative about it.