Hello all,
I recently purchased a couple large sized formentek bags from ebay. They came with a brochure that recommends using them instead of paraffin dips. The mess is greatly reduced as well as the cost of paraffin.
Can you imagine how great this is?? I dont have to have a paraffin unit plugged in 24/7!!! I just fill up a bag with hot water!! Now, paraffin has two uses, it warms up the hands, and the formentek bag does the same. As for the moisturizing properties, I can apply a high quality moisturizing lotion to their hands if they so choose.
The best thing for me, is that I now offer paraffin dips with a couple of my new foot massages. I can switch to using the formentek bags instead!!
I recently purchased a couple large sized formentek bags from ebay. They came with a brochure that recommends using them instead of paraffin dips. The mess is greatly reduced as well as the cost of paraffin.
Can you imagine how great this is?? I dont have to have a paraffin unit plugged in 24/7!!! I just fill up a bag with hot water!! Now, paraffin has two uses, it warms up the hands, and the formentek bag does the same. As for the moisturizing properties, I can apply a high quality moisturizing lotion to their hands if they so choose.
The best thing for me, is that I now offer paraffin dips with a couple of my new foot massages. I can switch to using the formentek bags instead!!