Hi Jo,
Have you done a business plan? I know it sounds boring, but there's lots of help out there to get you up and running. That's what I'm doing now.
2 weeks ago I went on a free Busines Link course, and next week I got a meeting with one of their business advisors to go through my business plan. I'm finding it really helps because it shows my how the business will work and how to plan, market and budget. It really helps build confidence in starting up when others can see it and give professional advise.
You can probably download a buisness plan template from your bank's website, I got mine from HSBC. The banks also have lots of other bit of useful info, like how to handle credit/debit cards because I didn't want to bother with cheques. I had read on here that mobile card handling could be prohibitively expensive, but they offered me a deal based on my forecast turnover. So having a business plan at hand showed that I could afford card handling, which is almost essential in our part of the country.