I cannot over emphasize how important it is for neophytes to be entering a field in which they take to heart or they value most. Welcome to the exciting and wonderful world of spa, massage and wellness in general.
What do you need to do in order to choose the right school? Ask the spas and massage centers that you like to visit if they recommend any. Visit the school- check out the atmosphere, cleanliness and the overall school organization. Ask for their information sheet, a flyer or brochure they will be glad to give you more information. Remember, that in this case, size does not matter. You can get a good school curriculum from a big school or a small one or from a good trainer.
Certification level courses are offered by a variety of organizations, institutions, individuals, agencies and establishments. Before enrolling in a course inspect their curriculum and discuss training options with several practitioners who are working in different types of environment. Specific aspects for those who would like to be a practitioner should include instruction in the assessment of client and specific techniques.
Regarding the school’s philosophy: Remember Chapter One? We are in the business of healthcare, wellness and hospitality sector (incorporating a lot of sectors in between like herbal medicine, alternative, complementary and integrative medicine as well) so service is at the core of it. Too often trainers and schools produce practitioners who come into the profession to make big money quickly. This is what is happening now in the world of spa and wellness. These practitioners get burned out or injure themselves because they want to make big money all the time without spending some of that hard earned money on taking care of themselves. When we get involved in this field, it is important that we walk our talk. We should also take care of ourselves. When choosing a mentor, a school or trainer, look at whether they really care about you and your practice as well. Take a look if they are walking their talk. If your instructors are teaching about health and wellness and they smoke, it just means they do not believe in what they preach. So what more can you ask? How will they guide you to a path that they are blind of? No offense meant to smokers. But we know for a fact that it is not healthy and pollutes our environment.
There are probably more individuals doing training than independent schools offering comprehensive training programs throughout the country. If you really want to make a career out of the spa and massage industry choose a training programme that provides alumni services, job placements, on-the-job training and continuing educational services. They should also include the business, legal and ethical practice of your profession. Many schools and training programs do not include the business aspect of your practice, if they do not have that option, get referrals. Get a mentor or attend seminars and workshops to enhance your business acumen. Attend meetups. Join online communities. Most massage schools concentrate on training specific modalities of massage or techniques of spa practice. A Spa or Aesthetics school may concentrate on the type of products they use and how these products are used. Courses offered by different organizations and individuals attract wide range of students.
If you want to know about licensing requirements, certification and accreditation check each specific area, locality or country that you are interested in. In future books and publications, I would be talking about the standards, laws, rules and regulations as well as the practice of the professions in the field of spa, massage and similar practices in other countries.
Before enrolling in a course inspect their curriculum, the schedule, the duration, the subjects you are about to take and discuss training options with several practitioners who are working in different types of environment. Specific aspects for those who would like to be a practitioner should include instruction in the assessment of client and specific techniques. Ask if they also offer scholarships or any form of financial assistance.
Massage and spa therapy programs generally cover subjects in: Anatomy (the study of parts of the human body) and Physiology (the study of functions of the parts of the human body), Kinesiology (the study of motion and body mechanics), Microbiology (study of microbes), Virology (study of viruses), Parasitology (study of Parasites) and Ethics; You can choose from a very wide variety of different techniques and modalities, remember what I told you in the first chapter? Learn all about the modality that you wish to pursue either from research, a mentor or a professional before you plunge in.
We have already discussed the things to do and things to know in order to make informed decisions about your career in this field but I would also like to emphasize wrong ways in choosing your school, teacher or programme:
1. It is