I think there's a great deal of pride to be had in our unwillingness to riot. There's much to be said for civility and the ability to discuss.
Canada and the US are undoubtedly culturally different. To start - Church and state are separate. Catholics send their kids to Catholic schools if they want them raised with values appropriate to that culture and it's up to the School Board and Parents to make those decisions (I attended Catholic schools my entire elementary and high school education).
Now when it comes to things like HST tax - the reason (I feel and this isn't fact) people in Canada don't revolt, is because we see our money at work. Our health care, our roads, our social programs to help the poor, mentally ill and disabled - though not perfect - function. Generally in countries where social services actually serve the population, you don't see outcries over taxes. In the US, this is not the case. They aren't the tax haven people believe them to be, yet, the people living in the states don't really see the benefit of paying their taxes. In fact, a huge section of their taxes goes to funding war and weaponry.
Also as far as the tax regarding public television stations: Corporations like Rodgers air public television without ever paying them for their programming - and there's nothing they can do about it. Rogers and Bell send out commercials wording it as further taxes o things that are already subsidized by the government, when really they're passing on the additional charge to customers rather then do the right thing and swallow the cost (because they can afford to play the propaganda game). The fight is really for corporations to fairly pay the programming they are charging other customers to view, while acquiring it free themselves.
I do believe there is a degree of passivity to Canadians - we don't have the type of violent history most countries around the globe share. However, I don't think riots and revolts are the answer, I believe getting politically involved (writing your MP - yes it does make a difference, they count a single letter are representing 100 silent voices), your vote, and peaceful protest is the answer.
I'm proud that Canada is civilized, and would like it to stay that way. I spend a lot of time in the US and it's not to be envied.