I am looking for help in finding a massage program the is right for me now and the future. I live in the milwaukee area, and I have found two schools that I believe in, but one is accredited and one is not. After reading all of the confusing info on accreditation I am about to explode. I have read everything from;
Schools that are accredited are the only safe schools
Schools get accreditation to basically offer their students federal grants
Students that graduate from a school that is not accreditated can not sit for the national exams
all this seems scary, I understand the importance of the accreditation, but if the COMTA is so important why does WI have only two schools accredited through them? What happens to all the students who graduate from all of the other massage schools throughout WI?
I want to make the right choice, but at the same time I want to go to a school that I feel good about.
Thanks for any info you can help me with
Schools that are accredited are the only safe schools
Schools get accreditation to basically offer their students federal grants
Students that graduate from a school that is not accreditated can not sit for the national exams
all this seems scary, I understand the importance of the accreditation, but if the COMTA is so important why does WI have only two schools accredited through them? What happens to all the students who graduate from all of the other massage schools throughout WI?
I want to make the right choice, but at the same time I want to go to a school that I feel good about.
Thanks for any info you can help me with