I think the most important thing is to establish the relationship and rapport. If you do not do that FIRST, the quality of your massage will suffer. It is all in the client's perception. If they TRUST you, feel at EASE with you, feel you are KNOWLEDGEABLE, etc, then your massage is going to feel a lot better to them. Of course, you must still have pretty good hands on technique as well. But, if the connection and trust are not established first, they will not be able to feel how wonderful your techniques are. Don't forget to finish up the session with some more personal connection.....ask what feels different to them after the massage, as opposed to before. Give them some suggestions about things they can do after leaving your office that will help their situation. It could be stretching, or perhaps changing the height of their computer monitor, putting their purse on a "diet" to make it lighter and take stress off their shoulder. They will feel that you are not just interested in giving them a massage, taking their money and seeing them on their way until next time.
Be certain always to ASK FOR THE NEXT APPOINTMENT!! This can feel difficult and awkward at first, but trust me, most clients will thank you for asking them!!!! Most of us felt like we were being pushy or felt sort of like a "salesman" when asking them to rebook. You will get over that quickly. You will be doing yourself and the client a favor by asking them to rebook their next appointment.